VMware vCloud Director (VCD) Deployment

In the VCD Deployment model, the operator provides an account to EdgeXR in their existing VCD with the suitably configured UE Wireless and external internet networks. The operator remains in management of the Provider Virtual Datacenter (Provider VDC), and its associated shared storage, external networking and switch configurations. 

EdgeXR is provided access to an Organizational Virtual Datacenter (Org VDC).  Full privileges within this organizational VDC are granted to create the required clusters, virtual machines, and Organizational networks in the EdgeXR assigned account. EdgeXR designs the Org VDC Networking design and on-boards the cloudlets. Mobiledgex also maintains the cloudlets and supports Edge operations.

VCD Deployment Requirements Checklist

VMware version


Resources Pool Minimum for Trial

Preferred Resources


Org VDC Tenant Permissions

vCloud Director 10.0

NSX-V plus distributed vSwitches

32-64 vCPU

200 vCPU

Single shared datastore for compute cluster

Organization Administrator role required. Vapp leases should be set to 'never expire'

vCloud Director 10.1

NSX-T plus distributed vSwitches

32-64 vCPU

200 vCPU

Single shared datastore for compute cluster

Organization Administrator role required. Vapp leases should be set to 'never expire'

vCloud Director 10.2

NSX-T plus distributed vSwitches

32-64 vCPU

200 vCPU

Single shared datastore for compute cluster

Organization Administrator role required. Vapp leases should be set to 'never expire'

vSphere 6.7 (ESXi)

8 public IPv4 addresses

128-256G RAM

500G RAM

vCenter Server 6.7

500G-1TB Disk

2TB Disk



Note: Empty cells intentionally left blank.

VCD Configuration Settings

EdgeXR’s Cloudlet Manager Plugin accesses the VCD API endpoint to install the EdgeXR Platform service referred to as the Cloudlet Resource Manager (CRM). The CRM acts as a Tenant of the Operator’s Virtualization Layer and utilizes VCD APIs to manage applications. The CRM also provides the infrastructure and application runtime statistics to the EdgeXR Controller (over the Internet). EdgeXR stores the credentials to the API securely. EdgeXR requires that both Organization and Tenant access on the IaasS API level is granted via private and public API endpoints. It is not a requirement to place the IaaS endpoint directly on a public IP; it can reside behind a jumphost or by other security measures. However, the VCD API endpoint must be reachable from within the cloudlet itself.

The following values must be populated to enable EdgeXR deployment within VCD.




Name of the Organizational Virtual Datacenter


Name of the Organization assigned to EdgeXR


Username for EdgeXR user


Password for EdgeXR user


Cloud Director API endpoint address


The following is a list of vCloud User Operation APIs which should be made available to the EdgeXR Tenant for operations within the EdgeXR Org VDC.

POST /catalog/{id}/catalogItems

GET /catalog/{id}/metadata

GET /catalog/{id}/metadata/{key}

GET /catalogItem/{id}

PUT /catalogItem/{id}

DELETE /catalogItem/{id}

GET /catalogItem/{id}/metadata

POST /catalogItem/{id}/metadata

GET /catalogItem/{id}/metadata/{key}

PUT /catalogItem/{id}/metadata/{key}

DELETE /catalogItem/{id}/metadata/{key}

GET /catalogs/query

GET /entity/{id}

GET /login

POST /login

GET /media/{id}

PUT /media/{id}

DELETE /media/{id}

GET /media/{id}/metadata

POST /media/{id}/metadata

GET /media/{id}/metadata/{key}

PUT /media/{id}/metadata/{key}

DELETE /media/{id}/metadata/{key}

GET /media/{id}/owner

GET /mediaList/query

GET /network/{id}

GET /network/{id}/metadata

GET /network/{id}/metadata/{key}

GET /org

GET /org/{id}

POST /org/{id}/catalog/{catalogId}/action/controlAccess

GET /org/{id}/catalog/{catalogId}/controlAccess

GET /org/{id}/metadata

GET /org/{id}/metadata/{key}

GET /query

GET /schema/{schemaFileName}

GET /session

DELETE /session

POST /sessions

GET /task/{id}

POST /task/{id}/action/cancel

GET /tasksList/{id}

GET /vApp/{id}

PUT /vApp/{id}

DELETE /vApp/{id}

POST /vApp/{id}/action/consolidate

POST /vApp/{id}/action/controlAccess

POST /vApp/{id}/action/deploy

POST /vApp/{id}/action/discardSuspendedState

POST /vApp/{id}/action/enterMaintenanceMode

POST /vApp/{id}/action/exitMaintenanceMode

POST /vApp/{id}/action/installVMwareTools

POST /vApp/{id}/action/recomposeVApp

POST /vApp/{id}/action/relocate

POST /vApp/{id}/action/undeploy

POST /vApp/{id}/action/upgradeHardwareVersion

GET /vApp/{id}/controlAccess

GET /vApp/{id}/guestCustomizationSection

PUT /vApp/{id}/guestCustomizationSection

GET /vApp/{id}/leaseSettingsSection

PUT /vApp/{id}/leaseSettingsSection

POST /vApp/{id}/media/action/ejectMedia

POST /vApp/{id}/media/action/insertMedia

GET /vApp/{id}/metadata

POST /vApp/{id}/metadata

GET /vApp/{id}/metadata/{key}

PUT /vApp/{id}/metadata/{key}

DELETE /vApp/{id}/metadata/{key}

GET /vApp/{id}/networkConfigSection

PUT /vApp/{id}/networkConfigSection

GET /vApp/{id}/networkConnectionSection

PUT /vApp/{id}/networkConnectionSection

GET /vApp/{id}/networkSection

GET /vApp/{id}/operatingSystemSection

PUT /vApp/{id}/operatingSystemSection

GET /vApp/{id}/owner

PUT /vApp/{id}/owner

POST /vApp/{id}/power/action/powerOff

POST /vApp/{id}/power/action/powerOn

POST /vApp/{id}/power/action/reboot

POST /vApp/{id}/power/action/reset

POST /vApp/{id}/power/action/shutdown

POST /vApp/{id}/power/action/suspend

GET /vApp/{id}/productSections

PUT /vApp/{id}/productSections

GET /vApp/{id}/question

POST /vApp/{id}/question/action/answer

GET /vApp/{id}/runtimeInfoSection

GET /vApp/{id}/screen

POST /vApp/{id}/screen/action/acquireTicket

GET /vApp/{id}/startupSection

PUT /vApp/{id}/startupSection

GET /vApp/{id}/virtualHardwareSection

PUT /vApp/{id}/virtualHardwareSection

GET /vApp/{id}/virtualHardwareSection/cpu

PUT /vApp/{id}/virtualHardwareSection/cpu

GET /vApp/{id}/virtualHardwareSection/disks

PUT /vApp/{id}/virtualHardwareSection/disks

GET /vApp/{id}/virtualHardwareSection/media

GET /vApp/{id}/virtualHardwareSection/memory

PUT /vApp/{id}/virtualHardwareSection/memory

GET /vApp/{id}/virtualHardwareSection/networkCards

PUT /vApp/{id}/virtualHardwareSection/networkCards

GET /vApp/{id}/virtualHardwareSection/serialPorts

PUT /vApp/{id}/virtualHardwareSection/serialPorts

GET /vAppTemplate/{id}

PUT /vAppTemplate/{id}

DELETE /vAppTemplate/{id}

POST /vAppTemplate/{id}/action/consolidate

POST /vAppTemplate/{id}/action/disableDownload

POST /vAppTemplate/{id}/action/enableDownload

POST /vAppTemplate/{id}/action/relocate

GET /vAppTemplate/{id}/customizationSection

PUT /vAppTemplate/{id}/customizationSection

GET /vAppTemplate/{id}/guestCustomizationSection

PUT /vAppTemplate/{id}/guestCustomizationSection

GET /vAppTemplate/{id}/leaseSettingsSection

PUT /vAppTemplate/{id}/leaseSettingsSection

GET /vAppTemplate/{id}/metadata

POST /vAppTemplate/{id}/metadata

GET /vAppTemplate/{id}/metadata/{key}

PUT /vAppTemplate/{id}/metadata/{key}

DELETE /vAppTemplate/{id}/metadata/{key}

GET /vAppTemplate/{id}/networkConfigSection

PUT /vAppTemplate/{id}/networkConfigSection

GET /vAppTemplate/{id}/networkConnectionSection

PUT /vAppTemplate/{id}/networkConnectionSection

GET /vAppTemplate/{id}/networkSection

GET /vAppTemplate/{id}/ovf

GET /vAppTemplate/{id}/owner

GET /vAppTemplate/{id}/productSections

PUT /vAppTemplate/{id}/productSections

GET /vAppTemplate/{id}/shadowVms

GET /vAppTemplates/query

GET /vApps/query

GET /vdc/{id}

POST /vdc/{id}/action/captureVApp

POST /vdc/{id}/action/cloneMedia

POST /vdc/{id}/action/cloneVApp

POST /vdc/{id}/action/cloneVAppTemplate

POST /vdc/{id}/action/composeVApp

POST /vdc/{id}/action/instantiateVAppTemplate

POST /vdc/{id}/action/uploadVAppTemplate

POST /vdc/{id}/media

GET /vdc/{id}/metadata

GET /vdc/{id}/metadata/{key}

GET /vms/query

VCD EdgeXR Deployment Architecture

vCloud Directory VMware Component Diagram